5- Marketing via Snapchat:
Snapchat has seen a massive increase in usage recently, with more than 210 million daily active users, mostly teens and young adults between the ages of 15-25. As a result, Snapchat is the favorite destination for teens, with the number one teen user base globally, ahead of Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram.
According to 2018 stats from Globalwebindex, 4 out of 10 Snapchatters discover brands thanks to the endorsements of influencers and celebrities. The Snapchat marketing organization relies on influencers and partnerships with influencers to showcase products in a natural way, and use or recommend them without direct marketing.
So if your brand is targeting that customer segment, it would be wrong not to be on the Snapchat platform. At connect ag, in the digital marketing services section, you will find a lot of services related to Snapchat marketing that can give you full support to help you build brand awareness and make your sales flourish.