E-marketing services


E-marketing enables small and large companies to reach customers from all over the world which would not be possible using traditional marketing. There are countless advantages to e-marketing. Therefore, in this article, we will review the top 7 indispensable e-marketing services for your project or brand, explaining the important role it plays in increasing sales and increasing brand awareness.


1- Paid ads:

Paid advertising refers to the type of advertising that is based on buying internet traffic. They are of various types, including ads placed through search engines (search engine marketing), where an advertiser pays a search engine to display their product in the first search engine results using specific words used by their customers or their website.

This type differs from a visitor from a search engine, but for free, and it is the type known as (SEO). One type of paid advertising is also known as pay-per-click, where advertisers pay for clicks on their website links. There are several other types of paid advertising on the same social media platforms, called PPV, or pay-per-view.

Paid advertising, especially through search engines, is the oldest advertising strategy in digital marketing. Despite its age, it is still considered one of the most effective e-marketing services for growing your business.


2- Facebook marketing services:

Social media is so ubiquitous in our time that it is not hidden from anyone, but you will rarely find someone who does not use it. This spread coincides with the use of social media by companies and business owners to market their products and reach their target customer base. Just as Google is at the top of the search engine advertising pyramid, Facebook is at the top of social media marketing.

We can divide Facebook marketing into two parts: the first part is paid ads represented by PPC and PPV, which we mentioned earlier. The second is free marketing that you can do without paying Facebook fees, but you may have to pay the people who manage your Facebook account and work on your page, so it's literally not free.


3- YouTube Marketing:

YouTube is not just an ordinary video site, it is the second most visited site in the world after Google and the world's first search engine for searching for videos. With over 2 billion monthly active users on YouTube, it would be a mistake not to have a strong presence on YouTube, no matter your potential, campaign or brand.

Because the chances of using YouTube to market your products and enhance your brand presence are very high and even increase sales at a very low cost compared to other marketing methods and the results are much greater because the persuasive power of video is stronger than other marketing methods Content images are better. Statistics show that more than 90% of shoppers discover new products and brands on YouTube.

So do not miss this opportunity and increase your presence and presence on YouTube. You can use the YouTube marketing services available in the Digital Marketing Services section as these services can help you develop and implement a robust YouTube marketing strategy.


4- Marketing via Instagram:

Instagram is the second most popular and active social media platform after Facebook, with more than 1 billion monthly active users, more than 71% of which are young people with an average age of less than 35 years. So, if your business is targeting this age group, and you are not paying enough attention to your Instagram marketing, you are missing out on a lot of opportunities. So start searching now in the digital marketing services section on Connectegy for Instagram marketing services that will help you build reputation and strength for your brand or project, because it really deserves it.


5- Marketing via Snapchat:

Snapchat has seen a massive increase in usage recently, with more than 210 million daily active users, mostly teens and young adults between the ages of 15-25. As a result, Snapchat is the favorite destination for teens, with the number one teen user base globally, ahead of Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram.

According to 2018 stats from Globalwebindex, 4 out of 10 Snapchatters discover brands thanks to the endorsements of influencers and celebrities. The Snapchat marketing organization relies on influencers and partnerships with influencers to showcase products in a natural way, and use or recommend them without direct marketing.

So if your brand is targeting that customer segment, it would be wrong not to be on the Snapchat platform. At connect ag, in the digital marketing services section, you will find a lot of services related to Snapchat marketing that can give you full support to help you build brand awareness and make your sales flourish.


6- Search Engine Optimization:

Search Engine Optimization, or simply SEO, refers to the process of acquiring visitors from search engines for free. It is a very powerful source of visitors and organic sales, and Google plays the role of godfather when it comes to the number of visitors you get through SEO.

Statistics show that 70% of consumers research a product before making a purchase. Your interest in SEO makes you appear in the first results, and then you have great power to reach your target customers who are already searching for you, ensuring that you can boost your business and generate strong sales at almost no cost, last longer and are more effective than other marketing methods.


6- Search Engine Optimization:

Search Engine Optimization, or simply SEO, refers to the process of acquiring visitors from search engines for free. It is a very powerful source of visitors and organic sales, and Google plays the role of godfather when it comes to the number of visitors you get through SEO.

Statistics show that 70% of consumers research a product before making a purchase. Your interest in SEO makes you appear in the first results, and then you have great power to reach your target customers who are already searching for you, ensuring that you can boost your business and generate strong sales at almost no cost, last longer and are more effective than other marketing methods.


7- Content Marketing:

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote a business, as half of all marketers use content to attract customers. Content marketing expands to include different types of content, including textual content in the form of posts, posts, or tweets, and visual content in the form of video, graphic, and audio content, commonly known as podcasts.

However, many marketers do not know how to use content marketing. Not only that, but 60% of companies do not have the right content marketing strategy. Producing engaging content is a challenging process that requires professionals who understand what content is and why it is important. You can access the services of these individuals through the e-marketing services section of the Connectegy website or through a separate website.

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