Connectegy for web services


Connectegy for web services:

Connectegy provides its customers with all the web services that the customer needs, and the company also looks forward to becoming the best web services company in the Middle East. The company also provides other services such as designing and developing mobile applications and other services that will be presented in detail in the rest of the article, continue With us to take advantage of the services provided by the company.

What are web services:

It is a type of application that provides an electronic service between one application and another or one system and another system, and this is done through the application calling and requesting the service from one of the services on the application programming interface and not the buttons and arrows on the user interface, and after that the service The Web sends the result of a user request through a language known as hit markup.

Website design:

A website design service is one of the services provided by Connectegy, which is done by the most skilled programmers, which is done through the use of languages such as html, css and other languages that are used in designing user interfaces, which are

Types of web services:

There are many types of web services provided to you by Connectegy , which is considered one of the most important programming companies in the Middle East. Examples of these services include:

  • Website design service.

  • Website programming service.

  • Website hosting service.

  • Website development and design service.


Website design specifications:

  1. We create modern designs to suit the activity of your website. This is done by dividing the website into a group of sections to make it easier for the customer to use the website without the need for a professional programmer and web designer to know how to use the website.

  2. We also create a complete control panel in the interface of the site on the home page to allow us to control the site and its sections, and we also add a search icon to facilitate access to any section within the site, or any content of the site.

  3. There is also a section for communicating with us through the site, which is called Contact Us, which makes it easier for customers to reach us in the fastest and easiest way.

  4. The site also contains a page for logging in to the site to be one of our members.

  5. There are also pages that include your commercial activity that you provide through your website, but if this design is for an online store, then there are pages for the products offered by the store to facilitate access to the product and order the quantity you want to buy from the customer.

  6. Also, your website should contain pages of your own to manage and control your website with ease.

Reach Out to Us

To Get Our Services And Our Best Offers You Can Contact Us Through :

Whats App Contact


Mobile Contact


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