Search engine optimization




Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the branches of the field of e-marketing by studying how search engines work and the factors that affect the ranking and improvement of search engine results, as well as dealing with some errors and problems in websites.

Given the importance of the first search results in the search engines because of their strong impact on the number of visitors to the site through the search engine, which includes searches in general as well as searches for images and video clips (audio-visual materials), the site and the press, the importance of the field has increased, and it has become specialized and specialized, It is even taught. .

Those working in this field are divided into two types; White hats, who use legal and natural methods to improve their website rankings, and black hats, who use distortion, illegal and illegal methods.

What is search engine optimization:

It expresses the practice aimed at increasing and improving the quality of web traffic (the number of visits to a particular website) through unpaid search results on search engines, the so-called "organic search results", that is, ordinary unpaid searches. Although the term is an acronym for "search engine optimization," the concept is more about people than search engines. Its theme: knowing what people are searching for on the Internet. The answers they are looking for. The words they used in their search. The type of content they consume. When you can identify these things, you will be able to connect users who are searching on the Internet to the appropriate solutions that your site offers. It should be noted that SEO is a two-sided coin, the first side is knowing what users are searching for on the Internet, and the second side is presenting this information in a way that search engines can find and understand it so that they can communicate it to users, so if you need to improve the visibility of Your site is on Google, you only need to contact Connectegy to obtain this service.

The importance of search engine optimization:

While paid advertising and social media platforms can bring more visitors to your website, most of your internet traffic comes from search engines. Not only that, but organic search results look more reliable to professional searchers and get you more clicks than paid ads. However, only 2.8 percent of the search results seen by US users get paid. Not only that, SEO is the only method of internet marketing that, if used properly, will always bring you consistent profits and satisfactory results. If you place relevant content with the right keywords that are worthy of appearing on the search results pages, you will increase traffic to your website over time for free. However, content marketing through other means requires steady payments of funds to increase traffic and number of visitors. Although different search engines are getting smarter, they still need your help.

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