Website programming company


Website programming:

The website is mainly based on programming because it is considered the main dynamo that can control everything related to your website, so if you want to have a professionally programmed website, you should contact the Connectegy company, which has the most skilled programmers who are able to program a unique website.

How to program a website:

Websites are programmed using many programming languages, but before this step, the website goes through an important stage as well, which is the design stage. Such as the Java language, JavaScript, and the PHP language, which is the most popular language because it is a free and easy language, and there are many courses and explanations about this language used by Facebook and many large websites, and the MYSQL language is the database language responsible for storing data and working with it, and the paython language It is a programming language used by Google, and it has gained immense popularity and has been widely used in the past few years. There is also ASP.NET, one of the important languages in the field of website programming, and because the sites developed using it are difficult to penetrate, it has been adopted by many sites.

Website programming:

It can be said that website programming includes everything related to the server, connecting to the database, designing the mechanisms of the website itself, dealing with all technical aspects of the website, special programming languages such as "PHP, Java, C#" and many others, there is always a metaphor to distinguish between web design And web programming is simple. Perhaps a metaphor can help move things forward.

How to program a website:

If you want to start learning web development, we have arranged the languages for you to learn so that you can develop and design your first website, and you will see the results after taking the first lesson, here is the list:

  • You must learn the basics of HTML.

  • You must learn and understand the fifth generation of HTML and HTML 5.

  • You should learn the basics of CSS.

  • You must study and understand the third generation of CSS, CSS3.

  • You must learn and understand JavaScript.

  • You must study and understand the JQUERY library, which is a convenient library for writing JavaScript.

  • You need to read more about ready-made libraries and learn more about them. It is recommended to use the bootstrap library, which is a ready-made library for you to write and design.

  • You should also start learning web development, you can start learning PHP.

  • After mastering PHP, it is necessary to learn the database by learning MYSQL


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